
Die Mitglieder des Forschungslabors und der Vernetzungsplattform Urban Morphosis Lab veröffentlichen wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Bücher, Konferenzmaterialien und Sammelbände, in denen sie die Komplexität, Vielschichtigkeit und Vernetzung urbaner Transformationsprozesse aus der Perspektive verschiedener Disziplinen und geografischer Kontexte beleuchten.


  • Books and Monographs
  • Čamprag, N. (2021) Urban Transitions and Regeneration–the Politics of Policy-making, habilitation thesis. TU prints, Darmstadt, Germany.
  • Čamprag, N., Suri, A. (2019): Conference Proceedings: International Conference on Cities and Change “Three Decades of Post-Socialist Transition 1989-2018”. TUprints, Darmstadt, Germany. URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-92220,
  • Čamprag, N., Suri, A. (2019) Conference Programme: International Conference on Cities and Change “Three Decades of Post-Socialist Transition 1989-2018”. TUprints, Darmstadt, Germany. URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-86358,
  • Čamprag, N. (2017) Building Urban Identities – Comparative Study on Initiatives in Frankfurt and Rotterdam, SVH – Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften Ltd., ISBN: 978-620-2-32057-3
  • Čamprag, N. (2014) Urban identity in change – comparison between Frankfurt and Rotterdam, TUprints, Darmstadt, Germany. URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-39815,
  • Ugur, L. & Čamprag, N. (2013) Mundus Urbano Book of Abstracts – Selection of Academic Qualification Papers 2011-2013, TU Darmstadt, Mundus Urbano & Sintagma Press
  • Aladžić, V., Čamprag, N., Jaramazović, J. (2008) Subotica, Serbia – do you know this city? Association for Development of the Subotica Municipality, Subotica, Serbia
  • Book Chapters
  • Čamprag, N. (2019) Urban regeneration as a collaborative effort – strategic responses to shrinking cities in East Germany, in Collaborative Governance Efforts for Local Economic Development: Lessons from Detroit and Other Successful Cases around the World, Jesuit, K. et al. (eds.), pp. 112-134, Routledge, London/New York ISBN 9781351034067
  • Čamprag, N. (2019) Identity Struggle in Post-Socialist City – Re-Imagineering Belgrade, Remodelling Skopje. in Reinventing Eastern Europe – Imaginaries, Identities and Transformations, Evinc, D.(ed.), pp. 95-113. Place and Space Series, Transnational Press London. ISBN: 978-1-910781-87-6
  • Rudolph-Cleff, A., Čamprag, N. (2017) Wem gehört die “schöne Stadt”? in Altrock, U. and Huning, S. (eds.) Die schöne Stadt – Begriffe und Debaten, Theorie und Praxis in Städtebau und Architektur, Reihe Planungsrundschau Nr. 24, pp. 417-429. Verlag Uwe Altrock, Berlin (in German). ISBN 1617-7037
  • Čamprag, N. (2016) Museumification of historical centers: the Case of Frankfurt Altstadt Reconstruction, in Bellini, N. and Pasquinelli, C. (eds.) Tourism in The City – Towards an Integrative Agenda on Urban Tourism, pp. 165-178, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-26876-7
  • Peer-reviewed Papers
  • Čamprag, N. (2019) Built heritage in disadvantaged contexts: the challenge of preservation and management of the synagogue in Subotica, Serbia. In: Territorio 91:67-76, Bertrando Bonfantini/Elena Batunova (eds.), Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy.
  • Čamprag, N. (2019): Frankfurt na Majni: od poslovne metropole do grada za svakoga (Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurt am Main: From the business metropolis to the city for everyone), DaNS – Journal of the Association of Architects of Novi Sad, Nr. 85-86, pp. 50-55, DaNS, Novi Sad, Serbia;
  • Čamprag, N. (2018) International Media and Tourism Industry as the Facilitators of Socialist Legacy Heritagization in the CEE Region. Urban Sci. 2018, 2(4), 110; MDPI, Basel, Switzerland;
  • Čamprag, N. (2018) Re-imagineering Belgrade and Skopje: urban megaprojects between politics and struggle. European Planning Studies, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Online.
  • Čamprag, N. (2018) The Trap Within Anticipated Regrowth: Two Sides of Strategic Response to Urban Decline in Leipzig, Articulo – Journal of Urban Research [Online], URL:
  • Čamprag, N. (2018) Innovative post‑neoliberal policy as a way out of crisis? Another reflection on the case of urban decline in Detroit. City, Territory, Architecture, An interdisciplinary debate on project perspectives [Online] 2018 5:2, pp. 1-11. URL:
  • Grubbauer, M., Čamprag, N. (2018) Urban megaprojects, nation-state politics and regulatory capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe: the Belgrade Waterfront Project, in Urban Studies, SAGE Publications Ltd. DOI: 10.1177/0042098018757663,
  • Čamprag, N. (2015) Frankfurt and Rotterdam – Skylines as embodiment of a global city. CTBUH Journal – International Journal on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat: Tall Buildings: Design, Construction and Operation, February 2015, Issue I, pp. 26-33. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA
  • Conference Papers
  • Stupar, A.; Čamprag, N.; Polić, D. (2019) The Influences and Implications of the European Capital of Culture on Intangible Heritage: Novi Sad 2021. AESOP 2019 Conference – Book of Papers, July 9-13, 2019, Venice, Italy, pp. 209-222, ISBN 978-88-99243-93-7
  • Stupar, A.; Polić, D.; Čamprag, N. (2019) Novi Sad 2021: Reconsidering Culture, Strengthening Community. EURA – UAA Conference City Futures IV. June 20-22, 2019, UCD Dublin, Ireland (published in abstract)
  • Čamprag, N. (2018) The Role of Media and Tourism in the Process of De-contestation of Socialist Heritage in the CEE Region. Space, Values and Power – Eurasian Cities and Regions in Transformation, materials of the international conference of the TRIPAR project, Publisher Kravchenko Y.O, Kyiv, Ukraine. Printed in abstract, pp. 37-38. ISBN 978-617-7700-09-7
  • Čamprag, N. (2018) Contested or Emerging Heritage? Contemporary Reflection on the Socialist City Legacy, Conference Proceedings of the III. International City Planning and Urban Design Conference CPUD '18, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 19-34. ISBN: 978-605-81593-2-7
  • Čamprag, N. (2018) Facing Shrinkage – Perspectives of Urban Development in Serbia, Conference Proceedings – 6th International Conference “Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering 2018”, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 545-554. ISBN: 978-86-80297-73-6 (in English, abstract in Serbo-Croatian).
  • Čamprag, N. (2017) People Flows Versus Public Spaces – London Waterloo Station, Conference Proceedings – 5th International Conference “Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering 2017”, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 749-756. DOI: 10.14415/konferencijaGFS2017.079 (in English, abstract in Serbo-Croatian)
  • Čamprag, N., Stefanovska, B. (2016) Identity Struggle in Post-Socialist City – Re-Imagineering Belgrade, Remodelling Skopje, Euroacademia, Rome, Italy.
  • Čamprag, N. (2016) Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Urban Planning in Karlstad, Sweden, Conference Proceedings – 4th International Conference “Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering 2016”, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 767-776. DOI:10.14415/konferencijaGFS 2016.077 (in English, abstract in Serbo-Croatian)
  • Čamprag, N. (2015) Effects of urban mega projects – Case of the new ECB headquarters in Frankfurt, Conference Proceedings – 3rd International Conference “Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering 2015”, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 663-668. DOI:10.14415/konferencijaGFS 2015.082 (in English, abstract in Serbo-Croatian)
  • Čamprag, N. (2014) Urban identity building through innovative design – Rotterdam example, Conference Proceedings – 2nd International Conference “Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering 2014”, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 823-828. DOI:10.14415/konferencijaGFS2014.111 (in English, abstract in Serbo-Croatian),
  • Čamprag, N. (2007) Built heritage in the second plan – ground-floor houses of urban type in Subotica, Serbia, Roman Andras Summer University on Monument Protection, Eger, Hungary (in English, published in abstract)
  • Čamprag, N. (2007) Basic typology of the ground-floor houses of urban type in Subotica (Osnovna tipologija stambenih građanskih prizemnica u Subotici), Proceedings of Faculty of Civil Engineering, No. 16, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2007, pp. 41-56. Scientific Conference “Mutidisciplinary approach to Civil Engineering” (in Serbo-Croatian, abstract in English)
  • Čamprag, N. (2006) Ground-floor houses of urban type and their future in the urban core (Stambene građanske prizemnice i njihova budućnost u urbanom jezgru), Proceedings of Faculty of Civil Engineering, No. 15, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Scientific Conference “Contemporary Problems in Civil Engineering” (in Serbo-Croatian, abstract in English)
  • Čamprag, N. (2004) Urban Heritage and Development – the City of Subotica, Serbia, Cities – Places of Common Memory in the CEI Region (Urban Heritage and Development), International Cultural Centre Krakow, Poland (in English, published in abstract)
  • Theses & Dissertations
  • Čamprag, N. (2021) Urban Transitions and Regeneration–the Politics of Policy-making, habilitation thesis. TU prints, Darmstadt, Germany.
  • Čamprag, N. (2014) Urban Identity in Change – Comparison between Frankfurt am Main (Germany) and Rotterdam (the Netherlands), doctoral dissertation. Faculty of Architecture, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, (Grade: magna cum laude; in English, abstract in German). URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-39815
  • Čamprag, N. (2010) The Role of NGOs in Determination of Conservation Policies, MSc thesis. Institut d’Urbanisme de Grenoble, Universite Piérre Mendes France, France, 2010. (in English; abstract in French and Serbian). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1879.9201
  • Čamprag, N. (2007) Urban Type Ground-floor Houses of Subotica (Serbia) in the 19th Century and from the early 20th Century, MSc thesis. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad, Department of Architecture, Serbia, 2007 (in Serbian; abstract in English). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23476.35204
  • Čamprag, N. (2003) Urban Structures Development in the City of Subotica, Bachelor thesis. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Civil Engineering Subotica, Serbia, 2003 (in Serbian). Unpublished
  • Suri, A. (2021) Investigating Gender Inequality through the lens of infrastructural inadequacy: A case study of Dar es Salaam and Nairobi. In MORE: Expanding Architecture from a Gender-Based Perspective. III International Conference on Gender and Architecture Proceedings. Amoroso. S; Equal Saree; Novas.M Vilaplana. A (eds). didapress, ISBN 978-88-3338-118-3
  • Suri, A. (Forthcoming, 2022) Placing oppression (with)in public infrastructures: Tracing and intersectional relationship between gender, violence and technology in Gendered Infrastructures, Truelove, Y & Sablok, A (eds.), West Virginia University Press
  • Suri, A. (Forthcoming, 2021). Everyday interactions with sanitation infrastructure in cities of East Africa: Looking beyond women’s vulnerabilities. In: Translating the Networked City: Urban Infrastructures in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, eds. Monstadt, J; de Bercegol, R & Bon,B. Routledge.
  • Čamprag, N. & Suri, A. eds.(2019) Three Decades of Post-socialist Transition. Conference Proceedings.
  • Čamprag, N. & Suri, A.eds. (2019) Three Decades of Post-socialist Transition. Conference Programme.
  • Suri, A (2019) “Women’s Everyday Encounters with Urban Infrastructure Regimes: Tracing an Intersectional Relationship” in De Coss-Corzo, A., Ruszczyk, H.A. & Stokes, K. (eds.) 2019. Labouring Urban Infrastructures. A workshop magazine.
  • Suri, A (2018) „Women and the Urban Sanitation Challenge: Tracing an intersectional relationship“ PhD diss., Technische Universität, Darmstadt, 2018.
  • Suri, A (2017) “Everyday encounters with infrastructures in cities of East Africa: A critical feminist technology assessment of gender inequality in sanitation service provision”, in Towards Urban Resilience – Proceedings – International Workshop – Barcelona 2017, eds. Hekmati, B; Mendoza Arroyo, C. & Rudolph-Cleff, A. 2017, TUprints.

Ehemalige Mittarbeiter*innen

  • Gribat, N. and Pizzo, B. (in progress) „The Politics of Land: Dominant Regimes, Situated Practices and Antagonisms“ – themed issue: International Planning Studies
  • Gribat N. and Misselwitz, P. (accepted) Temporary Use, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies, Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.
  • Gribat, N. (accepted) Architektur, in: Belina, B., Naumann, M., Strüver, A. (Hg.) Handbuch Kritische Stadtgeographie, Münster, Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot.
  • Gribat, N. and Lutz, M. (2018) Planung und Partizipation: Zwischen Emanzipation, Kollaboration und Vereinnahmung, in: Vogelpohl, A., Michel, B., Lebuhn, H., Hoerning, J., Belina, B. (Hg.) Raumproduktionen II, Münster, Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot: 81-99.
  • Gribat, N. and Meireis, S. (2017) ‘A critique of the new ‘social architecture’ debate. Moving beyond localism, developmentalism and aesthetics’. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 21, 6: 779-788.
  • Gribat, N., Misselwitz, P. and Görlich, M. (Hg.) (2017) Vergessene Schulen: Architekturlehre zwischen Reform und Revolte um 1968 , Spector-Books, Leipzig.
  • Gribat, N., Kadi, K., Lange, J., Meubrink, Y. and Müller, J. (2017) Planung als politische Praxis. Zur Einleitung in den Themenschwerpunkt. sub\urban.zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 5, 1/2: 7-20.
  • Gribat, N., Kadi, K., Lange, J., Meubrink, Y. and Müller, J. (eds.) (2017) „Planung als politische Praxis“ – themed issue, sub\urban.zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 5, 1/2.
  • Gribat, N. (2017) Overcoming decline through graffiti? The case of the Open-Space-Gallery in Halle/Saale.
  • Gribat, N., Hoehne, S., Michel, B. and Schuster, N. (2016) Kritische Stadtforschungen. Ein Gespräch über Geschichte und Produktionsbedingungen, Disziplinen und Interdisziplinarität. sub\urban.zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 4, 2/3: 11-36.
  • Gribat, N. (2016) Lucius Burckhardt: ‘Der kleinstmögliche Eingriff’, in: Eckardt, F. (ed.) Schlüsselwerke der Stadtforschung, Springer VS, Wiesbaden: 145-160.
  • Gribat, N., Langguth, H. and Schulze, M. (2015) ‚Make-Shift-Urbanismus‘ in den Zeiten einer ‚Absoluten Gegenwart‘? Auf den Spuren städtischer Praktiken um das Ostkreuz in Berlin. sub\urban.zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 3, 3: 111-124.
  • Gribat, N., Langguth, H. and Schulze, M. (2015) “Make City” in Times of an “Absolute Present”? Exploring alternative urban practices at Ostkreuz, Berlin. MONU magazine, 23: 49-56.
  • Gribat, N. and Huxley, M. (2015) Conflicts over the Government of Urban Shrinkage, in: Gualini, E. (ed.) Planning and Conflict: Critical Perspectives on Contentious Urban Developments, London, Routledge: 164-184.
  • Gribat, N. (2015) Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen. Die Networks of Dispossession kartieren türkische Stadtentwicklungsprozesse. Ein Interview mit Yaşar Adnan Adanalı. sub\urban.zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 3, 1: 153-164.
  • Gribat, N. (2013) Review: Learning the City: Knowledge and Translocal Assemblage, by Colin McFarlane, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, International Planning Studies, 17, 4: 425-427.
  • Gribat, N. (2012) Conflicting Economic and Cultural Subjectivities: Governing the Future of a Small and Shrinking City, in: Lorentzen, A. und van Heur, B. (eds) Cultural Political Economy of Small Cities, London, Routledge: 179-193.
  • Gribat, N. (2012) Review: Mobile Urbanism: Cities and Policymaking in the Global Age, edited by Eugene McCann & Kevin Ward, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, International Planning Studies, 17, 3: 327-330.
  • Gribat, N. (2011) Review: Planning cultures in Europe. Decoding cultural phenomena in urban and regional planning, edited by Jörg Knieling and Frank Othengrafen, Farnham Surrey, Urban Research & Practice, 4:3, 364-366.
  • Gribat, N. (2010) Governing the Future of a Shrinking City: Hoyerswerda, East Germany, PhD Dissertation, Sheffield Hallam University, Urban and Regional Studies.
  • Gribat, N. (2009) Translating productively: texts, contexts and concepts. People, Place, Policy, 3, 2: 122-131. DOI 10.3351/ppp.0003.0002.0005
  • Dissmann, C., Gribat, N. und Nölting, B. (2008) Bilder des Wandels, Wandel der Bilder. Analysen zu Ostdeutschland, Zentrum für Technik und Gesellschaft, TU-Berlin, discussion paper 28/08.
  • Gribat, N. and Nielsen, L. H. (2006) „E30 Transit/Stasis“, in: Bittner, R. / Hackenbroich, W. / Vöckler, K. (Hg.): Transiträume / Transit Spaces. Berlin: Jovis, S. 90-105.
  • Rosen, Christian: Die politische Stadt. Berlin, Madrid und das politische Feld. Bielefeld: transcript.
  • Rosen, Christian: Stadt und Urbanisierung in sich entwickelnden Staaten. KFW-internes Strategiepapier, 2018
  • Rosen, Christian: Politische Städte: Nationale politische Felder und die lokale Ebene in Berlin und Madrid, in: Barbehön, Marlon / Münch, Sybille (Hg.): Variationen des Städtischen – Varianten lokaler Politik. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S.275-297.
  • Charara, Iman; Misselwitz Philipp: Beirut Potato Plan. In: Christiaanse, Kees and Züger, Mirjam (Hrsg.) The Potato Plan Collection; 40 Cities Through the Lens of Patrick Abercombie. Nai010 Publishers, Rotterdam 2018
  • Charara, Iman: Arrival City from Dhaka, Bangladesh to Berlin, Germany. In: Engel, Ludwig and Hehl, Rainer (Hrsg.) Berlin-Transfer: Learning from the Global South. Ruby Press Berlin, Berlin 2015
  • Charara, Iman: From Yamark to Yamarkt. In: Weltstadt: Nomad City from Nomadism to Urban Settlement in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 8. Ausgabe der Weltstadt Zeitung. Goethe Institut, 2014
  • Plänkers, Leonie: Spaghetti and Community, in: Jörg Schröder/Maurizio Carta/Sarah Hartmann (Hrsg.): Creative Heritage. Jovis, Berlin 2018, S. 78/79.