Dublin´s Housing Crisis – Field trip and Workshop

Wintersemester 2017/18

In times of European austerity measures since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, Dublin’s residents witnessed a collapse in the real estate market. Numerous speculative projects were put on hold and many houses were left empty after foreclosure. On a field trip to Dublin at the end of October (25.10. – 30.10.), we will examine the housing crisis and recent developments in the context of Brexit. While investment of international corporations such as Google and Apple picks up, the housing crisis intensifies. Together with local experts and students of Trinity College in Dublin, we will focus on two urban aspects of the crisis: speculative investment and the lack of affordable housing. Collected data are to be analysed during a block seminar after the trip.

The workshop will run in parallel to the urban design studio “Dublin: Home-less or Homes for Less?”. Participants of the studio are highly recommended to take part in the field trip and workshop.

Der Workshop findet in englischer Sprache statt. Die Betreuung der abzugebenden Mappe ist jedoch auf Deutsch möglich.

Seminar Bachelor / Master – 3 CP

Prof. Dr. Nina Gribat
M.Sc. Iman Charara

25 10 – 30 10 2017
1st meeting, 18 10 2017, 16:00 Uhr
examination, 30 10 2017